Hey, Groups! What's Your Group Name?

If you will be joining Pork Belly Ventures with one friend or with a group of friends, you will need a common group name on your PBV applications. We cannot over-emphasize this, but we can sure try:

[Are we being redundant? Great! That's just what we're going for!]

So. Groups. Think about it. Now. It's almost time to sign up. What will your group name be? Some of the teams of PBV have gotten pretty darn creative in naming themselves. Just a few...

Fast Women

Prostate Posse

Spin Junkies

Squeaky Wheels

Life Behind Bars

Medicine Men

Pink Ladies

Flock of Siegels

Mission Control


Inglorious Bikers

Tush Pushers

Another Turning Point

Frank Is Lost Again


Hops and Chops


Straddle 'N Roll

Chain Gang

Compound Fracture

Snot Rockets


Motley Crew

Diablos Rojos

James Gang

Colloquial Metaphors Bad Decisions


Our dear friends of Straddle 'N Roll, pictured above, won't mind us using their name for an example. Remember that the website does our sorting. Suppose--just suppose--that some of Joe's team members write "Team Straddle 'N Roll," while others type "StraddleNRoll," and yet others scratch their heads and type "Joe Gump's group" in the group-name field of their applications?

Oh boy. The team's rental tents will be scattered all over the grid, and we won't be able to assign the whole team to the same coach across Iowa. Solution: IDENTICAL GROUP NAMES on all members' applications!

Help us help you, Porkers. Come up with your own fun group name, and everybody spell it exactly the same way, okay? Forgive us in advance for the many more group-name reminders coming this season.