Pork Belly Update_Indoor Sleeping plus more

June 11, 2024

Dear Friends,

Our friendly and hard-working crews have been all over the Midwest, making bicycle tours more fun and convenient! Our second-busiest time of the season is coming to a close, and while we have more events between now and late July, we're all turning our attention to RAGBRAI preparation!


ABOVE: This lovely pic was taken by Ella,

a member of our team on the Katy Trail.

Here, riders are waking up for another day on the trail!

This issue has a main topic--Indoor Sleeping--followed by a list of reminders and brief updates. Be sure to scroll for what you need.




  • Making It Look Easy with Brently and Marybeth Cooper of BBB Adventures on YouTube! Watch their helpful videos!
  • SLEEPING IN A/C, our Main Topic
  • Reminder of Our June 15th Refund Deadline
  • Our Burlington Parking Location, currently full. Now what? Read Carefully, and Follow These Instructions.
  • Payment of Past-Due Balances.
  • Completing your Detail Form.
  • Group Names--Last Call to Be With Your Friends
  • NO Personal Vehicles with PBV
  • Merch Reminder--PBV Jerseys, Shirts, and Hats!
  • Massage Appointments and Hotel Stays--Find Out What's Left
  • Pork Classified Ads, Neale Wants a Ride Share!
  • Coming Soon--Topics to Watch For!
  • Ways to Connect with PBV: FB and The Pork Belly App


A lot of the later topics are reminders and links to info we have published before. If you normally read our updates and follow instructions, the list of topics at the end will be nothing too new! If you're not interested in Indoor Sleeping, please scroll on past that long topic to MORE TIMELY TOPICS!

Making It Look Easy

with BBB Adventures!

When it comes to RAGBRAI advice, you really can't do better than BBB Adventures and this intrepid team--Brently and Marybeth Cooper. When we see them in Pork Camp, they're relaxed, they're organized, and they're having fun! If you want to emulate their impeccable RAGBRAI style, block out some evening time, grab a cold one, and watch this team break down etiquette and safety on the road, what and how to pack, and--if you have the time--their two-part series on a day-in-the-life of Pork Belly Ventures!


Brently and Marybeth's latest advice on RAGBRAI and PBV--and this one includes a revision of their How and What to Pack video:

Managing Expectations, 1:09 in length

Their original What and How to Pack video:


Great Packing Advice!


The 2023 videos about the operation of PBV:


Day in the Life of PBV, Part 1


Day in the Life of PBV, Part 2


Sleeping Inside with A/C

Sleeping inside for a good cause is a long tradition with Pork Belly Ventures. Thanks to many wonderful hosts, we have been arranging very quiet slumber parties in air-conditioning for decades.


RIGHT: PBV indoor sleepers last July.


Many of us can remember 2011, 2012, and 2023--truly hot RAGBRAIs. Some of us can remember overnight thunderstorms, too. We cross our fingers, of course, and so many times we’ve gotten lucky with the weather. But here’s a way to hedge against heat and overnight thunderstorms, by reserving shelter and air-conditioning in advance. And you'll be helping our welcoming hosts as well!

BELOW: In the old days, our riders counted themselves lucky

to sleep on a church pew. Donations usually helped

to refurbish the church building.

THIS YEAR, on four nights, we have space in host churches

and other indoor sleeping venues.

What Is Indoor Sleeping?


We define "indoor sleeping" as rolling out your bedroll in an air-conditioned space with restroom facilities, and always being respectful of our hosts and the facilities they offer us. This year, we can offer indoor sleeping on four nights of RAGBRAI.



Indoor sleeping involves a $25 donation to the church or organization hosting our riders. Pork Belly Ventures collects the donation from each indoor sleeper. We keep none of it. One hundred percent goes to the organization hosting us on a given day.

BELOW: This is Hansen Ag, an Iowa State University facility

in Ames for teaching future farmers!

Indoor sleepers used this venue last year.

What about Baggage?

Due to our larger responsibilities, the PBV Crew will not move baggage to and from indoor sleeping venues. This year's sleeping venues are on site or right across the street from our campsites. Riders who reserve indoor sleeping will need to walk their own baggage to and from the venue. In the morning, they'll need to bring bags back to their rental tents or to the baggage trailer.

Most of this is common sense, friends, but we have to say it.

You Must Be With PBV.

We can only offer these opportunities to people who are using Pork Belly Ventures Weeklong Support or Partial-Week Support.


Be Sure of Your Commitment.

Please read this description in full. By responding, you are committing to paying for these affordable opportunities. 


We will put these charges on your PBV applications. Our cancellation policy applies. You will need to settle your balance before you come to Iowa. Do keep your word to us and to our hosts. At this point in our season, we do not have time for changes and switcheroos. 


BELOW: Many photos in this update show

our happy indoor sleepers of RAGBRAIs past.

Game-Day Decisions

Some people look at these opportunities as a kind of insurance. If it's nice outside, they'd rather camp. But in case of extreme heat or overnight thunderstorms, they have reserved an indoor spot. They figure it's a small donation to a good cause, whether or not they end up using it.


NO Late-Nighters!

IF YOU WANT TO GO TO STREET DANCES IN THESE OVERNIGHT TOWNS, PLEASE DON'T SIGN UP FOR INDOOR SLEEPING. You would wake your fellows when you come in late. These offers are for folks who hit the hay early (before 10:00 PM), can be quiet, and who clean up after themselves.


When You'll Have Access

We think indoor sleepers will be able to get into most of these spaces in the early afternoon--but we're still working on details. Below, we'll say more about access times.



Bear in mind the importance of courtesy to our hosts and to your fellow Porkers who will be sleeping indoors. 

  • The only beverage that is appropriate in your sleeping room is a bottle of water with a lid. 


  • Bikes stay outside, locked in camp or near the venue.


  • Dispose of any trash--don't leave it where you slept.


  • It's lights-out by 10:00. After 10:00 PM (and if you get up in the night), make an effort to be quiet and not disturb others. 


  • Say thanks to our hosts-- the volunteers, church members, whoever you meet in these nice buildings—for the privilege of sleeping inside. 


  • Don’t leave any mess in the restrooms—tidy up and use the trash barrels. 


  • If you're okay with that, we welcome you to write for a reservation.  

Specify Your Friday Choice

of Indoor Sleeping Venue, Please!


You'll notice below that we have two venues on Friday, July 26th, in Mt. Pleasant. One venue is MUCH more convenient for those using our rental tents. The other venue is MUCH more convenient for those who bring their own tents (and much closer to the baggage trailer). When you write to Kay for your reservations, if you fail to specify which you want, you will slow the process down. Be sure to let Kay know your choice of venue for Friday night.

Our 2024 Indoor Sleeping Opportunities,

$25 donation per person per night

Sunday, 7/21, Red Oak, St. Mary's Catholic Church

  • $25 per person
  • Located at the center of our campsite
  • Basement fellowship hall
  • The sanctuary (on the main level) will host an afternoon mass, so these sleepers will stash their bedrolls until after mass.
  • Basement accessible by noon, we hope (TBD)
  • You move your own baggage to/from
  • Donations benefit our host church!


Monday, 7/22, Atlantic, a small part of the community center

  • $25 per person
  • Located near our showers in camp
  • One small section of the community center (this is the smallest space PBV will offer during the week, and it will fill quickly)
  • Accessible at a time to be announced--afternoon
  • Please remember, you will move your own baggage to/from
  • Donations benefit the community center


Tuesday, 7/23, Winterset, two host churches

  • $25 per person
  • Our two host churches are side-by-side: St. Joseph Catholic Church and St. Paul Lutheran Church. No need to specify which you want--we have about equal space in these two churches.
  • Accessible in early afternoon, exact time TBD.
  • A small part of St. Joe will not be available until after the 5:00 mass.
  • Riders move their own bags in and out.
  • Donations benefit these host churches.


Friday, 7/26, Mt. Pleasant, two venues

  • $25 per person
  • Those riders in our rental tents should request the Belle Center, a former library with three floors of indoor sleeping space. This center is right across the street from our grid of rental tents.
  • Those riders who bring their own tents should request the Athletic Building, with many large rooms, a gym, a running track, and lots of spaces. This building is much closer to our open tent-camping and the baggage trailer for self-tenters.
  • Accessible in early afternoon, exact time TBD.
  • Riders move their own bags in and out.
  • Donations benefit a non-profit (The Belle Center) and the Mt. Pleasant School District.

How to Reserve

Please read everything above before you write to request sleeping space. Only after you have read this information thoroughly and spoken with any friends, you can write to Kay with the nights you request and your name. You may give Kay the first/last name of a friend (who is on PBV Support), only if you’re sure of his or her plans. Then Kay will put the charges, your $25 donation for each night, on the application of your friend and yourself--so be certain before you write.


Having read this info and agreed to the terms, please feel free to write to Kay with the names of those for whom you would like to reserve space, and the night/s you want.





More Timely Topics

A lot of these topics are reminders and links to information we have published already. But there's some new info, too.

June 15th, Pork Belly Ventures

Refund Deadline

In short, unless you took our Cancellation Protection, you will not receive any refund if you cancel after June 15th. To cancel part or all of your services with PBV on or before June 15th, write an email to tammy@pkbelly.com and/or to pete@pkbelly.com, and include an address for mailing a refund check for 90%.


If you took our Cancellation Protection at the time you registered, then your refund deadline is July 17th at 10:00 PM. The refund amount is the same, 90% of the value of your services. Even for those who took our Cancellation Protection, after July 17 at 10:00 PM, we will make no refund.


More on our home page, under Cancellation.


PBV Burlington Parking--FULL

Here's what to do if you still need parking!


Anyone using our E/W Shuttle from Burlington to Glenwood should have used our published parking link (below in red) to reserve parking at the location where our shuttle will operate, Edward Stone Middle School.


Here is the update we sent, with details about our location, etc:


PBV Update on Burlington Parking for E/W Shuttle


Currently, our parking area at Edward Stone Middle School has filled (screen shot below). Here are instructions for those who have not yet registered for parking.


  • Use our link here. (Do not use a different link for parking.)
  • https://burlingtonragbrai.ticketspice.com/burlington-ragbrai
  • Sign up for PBV Overflow Parking at Westland Mall, and make payment.
  • From time to time, click on this red link again, and check to see if cancellations have opened up space at Ed Stone Middle School.
  • If you see a spot has opened at Ed Stone, pounce on it and pay for it. Then write to tammy@pkbelly.com, and I'll write to Burlington and request your refund of your overflow parking spot. (Take care of this soon, folks. I'll be busier as time goes on.)
  • If you are not able to score parking at Ed Stone, you're okay. But please allow plenty of time for shuttling from the Mall to Ed Stone prior to catching our E/W Shuttle. Obviously, it's more convenient to park where the shuttle departs.
  • The price of parking has increased $10 since May, and it could go up again. The time is now.

Past-Due Balances

We realize that some of you are still purchasing Pork Apparel, indoor sleeping, and other extras. We're offering those extras as quickly as we can, though they do take time to arrange. If you have small balances due because you've added a shuttle or perhaps some of our later offerings, we understand. We'll publish a reminder later on to settle up before you come to Iowa. ????


If you haven't paid for your Weeklong Support or your Rental Tent Service, though, we will wonder about your plans. These balances were due on May 15th, and at some point, we will need to cancel unpaid applications with large balances due.


[Pete has already cancelled quite a few. If you login and find that you have no services selected, write to us, please.]

The Detail Form

We explained the completion of Detail Forms in May. Thanks to those of you who have logged in to add your official RAGBRAI Registration numbers! Here is the link to that update, in which Finding and Completing Your Detail Form is the main topic:


Finding/Completing Your Detail Form


In short, please login to your application. Each person with PBV has a unique application, tied to their unique Detail Form.


Our web administrator has created software that we can use at the site for counting bike types, assigning riders to coaches on our various shuttles, and producing reports on things like dietary restrictions. Your detail form, completed on time, helps us serve you in MANY WAYS! We couldn't manage without it.

Group Names--Last Chance

We have reminded you a few times. This is the last time. We need your help.


Having concluded our second busiest time of the season, our entire team is beginning to turn our attention to RAGBRAI, including the creation of bus rosters for all pre-RAGBRAI shuttles, AND our rental tent grid. This is time-consuming work, and we hope to do it once.


If you have not typed a common group name on the applications of all the members of your group, please don't be upset if your rental tent is far from your friends. And please don't be upset if our team is not able to assign you to the same coach on any of our pre-RAGBRAI shuttles. We need your help to know who is with whom. If you're part of a group, you need an identical group name in the group-name field of all members' applications. Even if you're on the same application, we need a group name for assigning coaches. Help us out, please! We can serve you better with a group name for any group of two or more.

No Personal Vehicles

with PBV


We are still learning that riders with PBV don't know this. By no means do we wish to be unfriendly ????, but we must clarify.


We can have NO PERSONAL VEHICLES in or near Pork Belly Ventures campsites. Everyone who signed up for our support is welcome in our campsites, but personal vehicles are not. We're quite busy during RAGBRAI, and please don't force us or our crew to chase your vehicle or your friends' vehicle away from camp.


Our charter has carefully plotted the location of all vehicles and equipment on eight different campsites, sometimes very snugly. Our plans involve strategic placement of vehicles (many LARGE vehicles that are difficult to maneuver) that must move at night. We absolutely can't have personal vehicles of riders or friends of riders getting in the way of our months-long planning. We thank you.



In case you missed it, we may still have jerseys, shirts, or hats available. Here's our link to a May update on Pork Appparel!



Massage Appointments

& Hotel Stays

with PBV

We published these topics a while back, and we'll include that link for you below. At present, Julie has quite a few massage openings, though the prime times on some days are full. A cancellation could open up your desired time! I always loved a massage right before I crawled into my sleeping bag!


And Bella is managing our hotel stays. She has hotel rooms available on Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday, July 19-22. At present, our room blocks on Tuesday through Friday are full, though you're welcome to request a spot on her waiting list.


Please click the link below and scroll to the info, pricing, and links to reserving our massage and hotel stays!


More Info on Massage/Hotel Stays

The First 2024 Pork Classified Ad

From time to time, Pork Belly riders want to connect with others on specific topics. Here's our first Pork Classified Ad of the season...


"Neal needs a ride from the Burlington finish to his sister's in Aurora, IL, (or nearby) on July 27th. He'll help pay for gas. Please call/text him at 301-758-7154 or email to nmorrisedd@gmail.com. Thank you."

What's Coming Soon?

We better tell you now, friends, we'll be on your screens rather frequently between now and RAGBRAI, with more info...


  • Our Early-Finish Shuttles and other extras, coming soon
  • Specific emails to those using our Rental Tents and our Hotel Stays, with everything you need to know!
  • The June Letter--in the writing! We aim to include explanations and answers to ALL of your questions!
  • Bus Rosters on ALL PBV Pre-RAGBRAI Shuttles (If you haven't completed your Detail Form, you may not appear on a roster.)
  • Our Week in the Corn--with all the goodies we've been planning for you!

This Guy Is BACK!

If you know who he is, you're smiling. If you don't, we'll tell you soon enough!

Facebook--Pork News As It Happens!

To see photos of our team in action, to build your RAGBRAI vocabulary, and to see our popular Bike Shorts videos (short films about many PBV services), don't miss our FB page, friends! It's hopping! (Becca just posted a great video that covers everywhere we've been over the past week!)



Do you have our Pork Belly Mobile App?

Remember, it provides you with an archive of PBV Updates, RAGBRAI maps and PBV maps (coming soon), tips and timely information during RAGBRAI, and more! Get the latest update of our APP! Don't ride without it!

Thanks for tuning in! If there are tasks you need to complete in this update, it's best to do them now, friends. It will be here before we know it!


Now, go ride some hills!


Tammy and Pete

Pork Belly Ventures LLC 

Tammy: 712.328.0161 h, 808-375-8921 c, tammy@pkbelly.com

Pete: 402-681-2613 c, pete@pkbelly.com


Pork Belly Ventures | 412 Forest Glen Drive | Council Bluffs, IA 51503 US

Constant Contact